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The official podcast feed for all shows.  BOF founded in 1998 by Bill "Jett" Ramey

Discussion of Batman on film, on television, in comics, in animation, in games, in literature, and in pop culture -- with the spotlight on The Dark Knight's cinematic endeavors.  

BATMAN ON FILM -- Authoritative. Definitive. The Original.  Est. 1998.

Mar 28, 2023

On the 23rd episode of's BATMANIMATION podcast, Senior BOF Contributor Peter Verra is joined by BOF's Founder/EIC Bill "Jett" Ramey to discuss the "Batgirl Begins" (parts 2 and 2) from THE BATMAN animated series.

Also, Jett is giving away a BOF 25th Anniversary T-shirt to one lucky listener!  Listen for the 2 BOF trivia questions during the show to be able to enter! (This BOF giveaway begins on April 1, 2023 and ends on April 30, 2023.)